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In December, the company is welcomed at the Collège de Montrésor in France! During a series of artistic mediation workshops, students engage with the project ÉCOUTE POUR VOIR and present it to the seniors at the EHPAD of Saint-Georges-sur-Cher. The college also hosts the project BONHEUR in residence.

The opening of MIRAGES takes place on January 25 at the Janine-Sutto Cultural Center, marking a first for the complete exhibition!

The short film LE SILENCE NE RETIENT PAS LA BRUME is presented at CINÉ-SENSIBLE at UQAM on February 16.

FUTURS RÉCIPROQUES, a new artistic mediation project, takes shape in Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

There’s something new in the team! We welcome Sarah Germain, who is now the communications officer. Welcome aboard!